Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Little Scraps of Heaven Blog Hop LAST DAY!

Welcome to the very first Little Scraps of Heaven blog hop...DAY 8

 I'm so excited to be a part of this hop with an amazing line up along with some very talented ladies. There will be lots of fun projects some great blog candy, and an AMAZING grand prize for this hop. This hop runs from Feb 23 - Mar 2, so you have plenty of time to make it all the way through the hop. Be sure to check back everyday to see new projects created using LSHD patterns, and some of us on the hop JUST might have some extra blog candy to share.:)

Here is the complete line-up of the hop

So here it is...the last day of the hop and WOW what FUN it has been!! Thank you all of you for your AMAZING comments and feedback!!! You know back in the day how exciting it was to actually receive a hand written letter from a friend in your mailbox? Reading your comments each day was just like that =D Thank you!
Here is my Show and Tell for today:
Happy Campers Layout

This is a layout of my son Jayden on his second ever camping trip =D He loves the outdoors!!! Looking back I can't believe it but when he was only 1 week old we took him on his first hiking trip! He stayed awake the whole time trying to focus on the trees above him in my baby is a picture of that hiking trip:

I look back at this now and say "Was I crazy???" lol!

Materials Used on "Happy Campers layout"
Papers and ribbon are all from Cosmo Cricket's Mr. Campy Collection
Paper piecings: Little Scraps of Heaven "feeling squirrelly" collection
that you can view HERE and the adorable raccoon is from a single pattern you can view HERE
Fowers: Basic Grey fabric bloomers and cuts outs from the Mr.Camper papers

Don't miss my free blog candy I am giving away!! Here it is: 


Isn't this some awesome candy?? All you have to do is become a follow of my blog =D

Easy Peasy!! 
Winners will be chosen at the end of the hop by random organizer =D
Now, head on over to Lisa's blog and see what great project she has to share with you today  RIGHT HERE

AGAIN be sure to check back daily for new projects and possible blog candy! : ) Thanks for hopping along with the first Little Scraps of Heaven Designs Blog Hop.


10 ~ 3ft ribbons
10 ~ 3ft fibers

Now who wouldn't want to win that yummy candy!!!

The grand prize is being sponsored by Tricia from Little Scraps of Heaven and she will be the last blog on the hop. In order to be eligible for the grand prize you must leave a comment on every blog in the hop, as well as become a fan of 
Little Scraps of Heaven on Facebook and follow the new Design Teams blog HERE.
** This is mandatory in order to be eligible for the overall grand prize.**
Here is the complete line-up of the hop


  1. Love Love Love your camping layout. So cute!

    We took our baby boys camping with us too, but not that young. I can't believe you were out there hiking only a week after giving birth. You must be Supermomma!

    Smiles Sher

  2. What a super cute LO!! Wow! You are awesome to even go hiking 1 week after having your baby! And to bring him!!

    carriedan1 at live dot com

  3. Awww...what a precious little man...1 week old!! Girl WHAT was you're amazing...I miss mine in those precious baby carries, they was so handy to have;0), You have a beautiful family;0)

    Loving the LO, such adorable little animals you pieced and all the papers were PERFECT;0)...TFS

    Sheri G

  4. Janet your work is amazing! I love these camper pages. So cute. Your baby is adorable. Aren't they so sweet! Hope to win some candy as I am new to scrapping and my sources are few..

  5. I always get big smiles from your projects! Thank you!

  6. Very cute layout! Isn't it amazing the thing we look back on as parents and did I do that? LOL! The things that seem like a good idea!

    -Lauren B

  7. Love this layout. Thanks for sharing. We are campers too. I am a follower and thanks for a great hop. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  8. Great Layout today! The photo you used is just adorable. Great job with your paper piecings. So glad you shared all your ideas during the hop, I enjoyed it. :)

  9. I love your layout and the photos you used. Beautiful!!

  10. Your layout and your cute baby make this layout super cute.

  11. Your baby is adorable. I can't believe you went camping only after one week of giving birth! I am not a camper at any time! lol
    Great layout and thank you for sharing your work all week with us. Enjoyed see your work.

  12. Love the layout. You have a very nice looking family. Thanks for the great blog hop.

  13. Cute layout!!! camping,,sounds good,,that s means "Summer"!!! YEA

  14. Great layout!! I love the papers you used. Cosmo Cricket is GREAT!! I love scrapping camping pictures!! So much fun!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent and creativity with us! I have really enjoyed this blog hop!!

  15. Love the LO AND your story! What great memories! Thanks for sharing your amazing work this last week, very inspiring!!

  16. cute layout, YES you were crazy lol a week old wow your a super mom.Well it's the Last day.. and ive enjoyed seeing your projects, your very talented. Once again thank-you for being in the blog hop.Ive loved hopping around and seeing all of the ladies blogs.

  17. What a great hop you all have put together the projects were cute and well thought out. TFS and inspiring.
    debbie_craine at hotmail dot com

  18. sweet blog candy! i love your LO..very cute! i can't believe you to your baby camping so young! i am sure he will love looking back at the LO and remembering..

  19. Very cute layout! I love the embellishments you chose!


  20. LOVE the LO!!! TFS all your great projects throughout the HOP!I've LOVED them all :)

  21. Too cute!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  22. Cute hiking layout! I am a follower! Thanks for this candy!

  23. Great Page! Please visit my blog to pick up your blog award!

