Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Little Scraps of Heaven Blog Hop Day 7

Welcome to the very first Little Scraps of Heaven blog hop...DAY 7

 I'm so excited to be a part of this hop with an amazing line up along with some very talented ladies. There will be lots of fun projects some great blog candy, and an AMAZING grand prize for this hop. This hop runs from Feb 23 - Mar 2, so you have plenty of time to make it all the way through the hop. Be sure to check back everyday to see new projects created using LSHD patterns, and some of us on the hop JUST might have some extra blog candy to share. : )

Here is the complete line-up of the hop

This is my very first time doing a blog hop and it has been so much fun! I am so excited the night before to share my "Show and tell" for the day lol! I can hardly sleep =D Its actually making me frown that there is only a few days left of our hop =( sniff...but I sure hope that you will continue to come by my blog and see my creations and to also see myself and the rest of the Design team of Little Scraps of Heaven on the Design Team blog =D

Ok so here is my show and tell for Day 7 =D 
This one is a layout of "Hey Diddle Diddle" and my little boys reading together. I am sure glad that I have my cell phone with me all the time because have you had those times your going about your day and you look over and see the "have to have picture" happening right before you and "WHERE IS MY CAMERA?" =D so I look over from my office and see my little guys reading books together an "aaawwww moment" I took this picture with my phone camera and posted it to my facebook page lol! I love that I can use Facebook kind of like a journal log of my everyday and fantastic moments and journal it right then and there. Then when I want to create the layout I go back to my facebook wall and read what I thought about at that moment =)  So here it is:

Paper Piecings: The Hey Diddle Diddle collection includes the cat and the fiddle, dish with the spoon, the little dog laughing on the patch of grass and the cow jumping over the moon...these are Little Scraps of Heaven Designs and you can find this collection right HERE  The Mother Goose paper piecing I found over at the blog Everyday Little Things and she has created this as a free SVG and MTC file take a look HERE

Papers Used: "Nursery Thyme Glitter Stack" by Debbie Mumm made for Joann Fabrics and the blue striped paper is by Scrapworks "Buddy boy blue" The yellow and the lime green boxed-checked paper as well as the dot-circle papers are from Basic Grey's "Oh baby Girl"

The title was a .png file that I added to the photo and it was a free word art file from the blog "Word Art World" and you can download it HERE
Flowers used: Prima Marketing Press n Petals #515430

Thank you so much for hopping by my blog!!

Don't miss my free blog candy I am giving away!! Here it is: 


Isn't this some awesome candy?? All you have to do is become a follow of my blog =D

Easy Peasy!! 
Winners will be chosen at the end of the hop by random organizer =D
Now, head on over to Lisa's blog and see what great project she has to share with you today  RIGHT HERE

AGAIN be sure to check back daily for new projects and possible blog candy! : ) Thanks for hopping along with the first Little Scraps of Heaven Designs Blog Hop.


10 ~ 3ft ribbons
10 ~ 3ft fibers

Now who wouldn't want to win that yummy candy!!!

The grand prize is being sponsored by Tricia from Little Scraps of Heaven and she will be the last blog on the hop. In order to be eligible for the grand prize you must leave a comment on every blog in the hop, as well as become a fan of 
Little Scraps of Heaven on Facebook and follow the new Design Teams blog HERE.
** This is mandatory in order to be eligible for the overall grand prize.**
Here is the complete line-up of the hop


  1. I too love this layout!! It's sooo cute! I love the Hey Diddle Diddle Collection...very cute!! Thanks for sharing your cute layout and the Every Day Little Things blog link with us! I'm off to go check it out some more! Thanks Janet


  2. Adorable LO....love how you used it for such a precious pic;0)...TFS

    Sheri G

  3. i just love love LOVE this layout, did i tell you i LOVE this layout?? lol its so sweet and what an adorible photo.
    If you haven't already checked out http://scrappingmamma.blogspot.com/ please come and follow along.
    Thank-you for doing the blog hop I've enjoyed looking at all of the projects you ladies are so talented, I wish I had half of your talent, mine dosent extend past lshd pericings lol. Have a lovely day.
    Deborah foti

  4. What a fun layout!!!! Thanks for sharing your work with us!

    -Lauren B

  5. Thanks for sharing this cute layout with us today and for sharing all of your projects all week long. I have enjoyed them all.

  6. Wonderful layout! Your paper piecings are fantastic!

  7. Very nice layout. So nice to see your boys reading together. TFS patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  8. Cute LO and cute little fellows! TFS

  9. I've made up all these guys.. well I have cut them.. Have to finish them up. I have used the cow and the moon in a layout.. such nice work.. :)

  10. Love the MotherGoose layout. TFs
    debbie_craine at hotmail dot com

  11. Great job. That is a real neat layout. Thanks for sharing.


  12. ADORABLE!!! I have love all your projects this week. TFS :)

  13. Your layout is so adorable,,Love it!!!

  14. this is a very busy layout and very creative.

  15. Very cute layout. I especially love all the mother goose characters :)


  16. Love! Love!Love!! this page!!
