Saturday, September 24, 2011

School Blog Hop Last Day!

Welcome to the School Blog Hop! This is a two day blog hop in which we will feature different projects both days. I hope you enjoy as you are hopping along. If you are coming from Kristy's Blog you are on the right track. You can start over at the beginning of the hop by going here to Jamie's Blog

There will be a grand prize winner drawn from those who comment on all of the blogs both days. The grand prizes are from Cloud9 who is giving away a $20 gift certificate to their store. And Jens DigiStamps who will be giving away a $5 gift certificate to their store which is worth five digistamps. I would appreciate if you could take the time to check out their sites if you have time as we are happy to have them as our sponsors.

and their facebook page 

Jens Digi Stamps

Here is the complete line up of the hop:

Here we are on the last day of the hop =D why do I always feel like pulling out a tissue when a hop is over? lol!! I always feel like it was a great camping trip out with friends and now is over and we have to say goodbye...well for now anyway =D teehee! Well today's project I found inspiration for from get this           **PINTEREST** sshhh I have become such an addict on Pinterest =D haha!! I found many photos like the one below I took of my son Jayden a few weeks ago. You take a picture of them on their first day in front of the school wall and then using photoshop or other photo editing software program and add the font writing of their loves. Such a simple and yet uniquely creative layout to do using a picture.                          

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog to view my layout I wanted to share with you today. I would love your comments and shout out hellos here on this post and welcome you to become a follower of my blog to keep in touch and see more of my work to come. You can also like my facebook page Here

Now you are off to continue the hop on over to Amy's Blog to see what amazing project she has to share with you! 


  1. I love this idea!!! So simple! And I just discovered pinterest a couple of days ago and am already addicted!!

    ~ Carrie

  2. very cute TFS!!!!


  3. What a cute idea. I am on pinterest but never go there and check things out. I guess I really need to. It's been fun hoping with you these past two days. Jearise in Lorby's World.

  4. This is a great idea. I haven't tried the pinterest yet. I think i'm gonna check it out soon.
    glamoroussideofscrapping at gmail dot com

  5. What a neat idea! I may have to try this! TFS!


  6. That is a really cool lay out. Thank you so much for sharing. or
    racincrafts at aim dot com

  7. Just too cute! Love your ideal! Thanks for sharing. Edwina Brown

  8. Great LO, neat idea wit the writing. TFS joy4umetoo at hotmail dot com

  9. Such a wonderul & cute idea! Pinterest is awesome! New follower via GFC! I do have a blog that I just started, so there's not much on it, but that will soon change & would love it if u would follow thanx~prhmangel at gmail dot com GFC! I do have a blog that I just started, so there's not much on it, but that will soon change & would love it if u would follow thanx~prhmangel at gmail dot com

  10. Oh now this is the best! I so want to do this idea Janet. It would even be cute in a frame or as the yearly picture. Love Jayden's pose--he is first grade cool! Hi Jayden!!

  11. Great idea. Love the picture.

  12. I'd never heard of this before. Thanks for sharing it and your layout. Love the idea.

    dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

  13. Ah! I love this idea! So very smart and such a great thing to have later on in life. I don't have kids so maybe I'll do one of my hubby and one of me when we were little. I still remember what I liked... The Smurfs! LOL Thanks for the great idea!

    Be sure to stop by my blog to enter my 500 followers giveaway!

    XO ~ Amy Jo (follower)
    amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

  14. Loving the layout...

