Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happily Ever After Blog Hop Day 1

Welcome to the Happily Ever After Blog Hop. This blog hop runs from May 1st through May 4th. If you are coming from Scraps To Treasures you’re on the right track. If you just joined us, you can go back to the beginning HERE for Honeybearz Designs Blog and hop along with us.We’ve had so much fun creating this hop, and we have a wonderful line up with some oh-so-talented creators. You will see some lovely projects having to do with a wedding or anniversarry theme and have a chance to win some blog candy along the way, including some grand prizes which are being sponsored by Lisa from Honeybearz Designs and she is the first blog on the hop. In order to be eligible for the grand prizes you must leave a comment on every blog in the hop and become followers to all the wonderful sponsors websites also.
Be sure to come back everyday between May 1st and May 4th because all blogs in this hop will post a new project each day. Lisa from Honeybearz Designs will be picking the grand prize winners from all the comments left throughout the 4 days.
Here is a list of the complete lineup for this hop:

Lisa :
Joy Joyslife:
Kimi & Pamela:
Scraps To Treasures:
Janet: --> U are HERE =D

HoneyBearz Designs :

This blog hop has been such an exciting one to do because I could finally be challenged to finish my own Wedding's scrapbook. I will be celebrating my 7th anniversary this November and can you believe I do not have an album at all!! YAY!!! Now my 12x12 album is done!!! I created these digital layouts using various digital scrapbook elements and my photoshop Elements program.
I plan to have these printed in a 12x12 leather bound album =D
Thank you for coming to my blog and viewing my special wedding day Digital scrapbook album!

This page talks about how we we got engaged =D

It was October 31, 2003, a cold fall evening, and I was preparing to go out with my friends for a night of Halloween festivities. About 6 of us ended up at a local favorite bar. It wasn't a bar that you would likely run into someone you would want to date, but that was OK. My mind was not on meeting women. I was enjoying my time with my friends. I remember standing in the crowded bar talking to several people, and then for a brief moment, I saw her sitting at a booth with a whip. She caught my eye (not because of the whip) and then the view was blocked by the moving crowd. I continued talking to other patrons, and then the view opened up and there she was smiling and talking with her friends. My heart raced and something inside of me said, "go over there and talk to her". So I did. We met and talked and everything seemed so right. I knew then, I wanted to get to know her better. I found out her name was Janet. But then, she and her friends were leaving. I quickly asked her for her phone number and she wrote something on a piece of scrap paper. I stuffed it in my pocket. Then she left, but the memory of her was etched in my mind. Two days later, i searched for that piece of paper and found it. It said, "Fanet". I thought to myself, "her name is Janet - I'm sure of it". So I called. But as usual, I did not get an answer and there was no voice mail set-up. I thought maybe she gave me the phone number to ACME fence painting or Uhaul. I called again about 30 minutes later and she answered. Right then, my palms got sweaty and my heart started racing. I asked her if she remembered me and she said yes. We talked for a little while and I asked her out to a restaurant called Canyons. Four days later, we had a date and I knew that night that I was go to marry this woman Janet. I may have waited many years to find "The One", but it was well worth the wait. I have never been more sure about anything. Janet brings so much happiness, love, and comfort to me that I want to repay her everyday. This is my promise to her, forever. By the way, she spells her J's like F's. I'm glad I didn't call her Fanet. They say you know when that special person comes into your life you will “just know.” I never really knew what that meant or what that would feel like. When it happened to me I knew exactly what that meant. Gary and I met on Halloween night at a little bar called Palmer’s. He came out of no where and sat down at my table. We ended up talking all night, it was awesome, and we couldn't get enough of each other. That led to three more dates then on our fourth date we went to NEW YORK! It was so romantic and so much excitement (I mean who can say they just hopped on a plane and flew to New York on a fourth date!) Of course we had a kiss on the Empire State building :) The more we dated the more we were sure of our feelings for each other. Gary popped the question that following Valentines day (Just four months later!) I had planned a surprised trip to Victoria at a bed and breakfast called “The Mozart House” Then Valentines morning Gary was so anxious for us to open our gifts. I told him we should wait until after we go out for our romantic dinner that evening. The look on Gary’s face was of such excitement like a child eagerly wanting to open gifts at Christmas made me give in :) He handed me a gift bag and told me he was only able to get me a little something for Valentines. Inside the bag was a bingo fund jar. He Knows how much I love to play bingo! I loved the gift! I gave him a big hug thanking him for the gift. Gary said “well aren’t you going to look inside the jar?” I had no idea there was more! Well inside the bingo jar was a little box…I can feel my heart jumping…it was an engagement ring!! He said to me “a yes would be nice right now” :) Of course it was YES! It was a moment I will never forget.


Look forward to having you back for a visit tomorrow as we continue our "Happily Ever After" blog hop! Stay tuned as tomorrow I reveal the blog candy that you can win at the end of this hop right here on my blog! All you need to do is leave a comment each day on the hop on my blog and become a follower =D Now you are on your way to hop over to Lisa's amazing project over at "Bit by the Cricut bug" blog right HERE


  1. Wow what a awesome album just love it
    The Scrapbooking Queen

  2. Great album!!!

  3. I enjoyed your album and your lovely pictures plus write-up! TFS!
    pam_lash at yahoo dot com

  4. Ohmygoodness, what a beautiful wedding you had. Lovely photos, story and projects. Thanks for sharing your special day with us!

    And I just found your blog and am now a follower. So very nice to meet you. Stop by my blog sometime and give me a shout out!

  5. Fabulous! Beautiful album treasuring the memories of your wedding. You did a lovely job creating it.

    Smiles Sher

  6. What a beautiful album!!! You did an awesome creating it, thanks for sharing this special day with us! Charlotte

  7. oh this is just lovely ..thank-you for sharing your special day with us.Its just beautiful

  8. Beautiful album. Thanks for sharing your special day with us. It was beautiful!!


  9. So beautiful. Thanks for sharing. New follower.

    creativediva98 at gmail dot com

  10. Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

  11. Beautiful. I enjoyed all the pics.

  12. What a great album. I'm a new follower.

  13. Oh Fanet, that is SUCH a lovely album and you were a beautiful bride!

    Thank you for sharing.

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

  14. Oh so breathtaking.......beautiful! Can't wait to see tomorrows project!

  15. Your album is beautiful! You made a beautiful bride! Thanks for sharing your special day! New follower, looking forward to seeing all you creations! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Beautiful!!!


  17. Stunning album. You were a beautiful bride.

  18. What a creative and stunning album. Thanks for sharing something so special. Def a new follower.
    nana5604 at gmail dot com

  19. Very pretty!! TFS!

    amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

  20. Such a beautiful album! TFS :)

  21. Wow how stunning. Still gasping from the beauty of your album.


  22. Beautiful pictures! I am new to your blog and now a follower and a follower to the blog hop!

  23. WOW, this turned out amazing! thanks so much for sharing it with us. gorgeous pictures!!

    stampinlara at yahoo dot com

  24. Beautiful album! precious keepsake. You are a gorgeous couple. Thanks for sharing. joy4umetoo at hotmail dot com

  25. Beautiful wedding pictures, looks like a truly happy day. I am a follower.

  26. This is just georgeous!

    I have a confession...I have been married for 33 years and I haven't finished my wedding album...I finished my daughters wedding album, several friends wedding albums, but not my own...I don't know why.

  27. TFS!
    God Bless,

  28. I am a follower,beautiful wedding and pics,joydee1963 at yahoo dot com

  29. Beautiful Wedding. TFS - already a follower.
    Hugs ~Jacqueline

  30. Amazing. A gorgeous wedding and album. I am a new follower thanks so much for sharing
    krazykcrafters at msn dot com

  31. Oh this is so lovely...such a beautiful day and album!! Wow very cute couple you are!! What a special day to scrap!!

  32. You had a beautiful wedding! I love the pics of your flowers up close with the colors, and the ones of you and your mom are just too pretty! Buy of course my fav wedding pics are of the bride and groom. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us, and letting us into your life like that.
    Amazing work,
