Friday, April 1, 2011

Easter Scrapbook Centerpiece

Welcome to your April!!!! Its also Friday!!!
Today is the DT Challenge day. This week's challenge was to create outside of the box. To make something that was NOT a card, NOT a layout, NOT album, and NOT a simple paper piecing. I guess "Non Scrap" lol! 

I decided to create an Easter table centerpiece =D I am "room mom" for my 
son Jayden's class and so I am planning the class Easter party. I thought this would be a cute decoration for the class and then after the party I would present it as a gift for his teacher. Jayden attends a Christian school and so it was neat to incorporate the "reason" for the holiday by adding the Christian Cross with a scripture 
This is how I constructed the centerpiece and what was fun is my son Jayden helped me make it using his toy tools =D I found some Styrofoam from packaging that we were going to throw away and used that to poke the craft sticks into...we glued Styrofoam side panels to create a box centerpiece. To glue we used a hot glue gun.

The grass around the centerpiece was cut from the free grass cut file I posted on a previous post yesterday =D 
Paper Piecing used: Little Scraps of Heaven "Feeling Froggy" HERE
Little Scraps of Heaven "Easter bunny collection" HERE

The EASTER banner title was a free printable that you can find at 

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