Friday, February 25, 2011

Little Scraps of Heaven Blog Hop Day 3

Welcome to the very first Little Scraps of Heaven blog hop...DAY 3

 I'm so excited to be a part of this hop with an amazing line up along with some very talented ladies. There will be lots of fun projects some great blog candy, and an AMAZING grand prize for this hop. This hop runs from Feb 23 - Mar 2, so you have plenty of time to make it all the way through the hop. Be sure to check back everyday to see new projects created using LSHD patterns, and some of us on the hop JUST might have some extra blog candy to share. : )

10 ~ 3ft ribbons
10 ~ 3ft fibers

Now who wouldn't want to win that yummy candy!!!

The grand prize is being sponsored by Tricia from Little Scraps of Heaven and she will be the last blog on the hop. In order to be eligible for the grand prize you must leave a comment on every blog in the hop, as well as become a fan of 
Little Scraps of Heaven on Facebook and follow the new Design Teams blog HERE.
** This is mandatory in order to be eligible for the overall grand prize.**
Here is the complete line-up of the hop

I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful comments and feedback I have received so was very uplifting and gave me huge smiles! I also was very touched to hear about many stories of your loved ones whom have also passed on and I am just so glad that I could give you a little inspiration in helping you with your wonderful tribute for them. Today I have another give honor to those who serve and put their lives on the line for our freedom and Country. I wanted to honor a close friend that I have known since Junior High School that is serving our Country right now in the Military Branch of the Army. He has been deployed three times in front-line Infantry and is home safely...thank the LORD! I haven't had the chance to do any military layouts before so this was a treat and such an honor to create =D

American Heros (Army) Layout 

Closer up on Page 1 of layout

Closer up on page 2 of layout

Recipe for this layout:

Paper Piecings: Little Scraps of Heaven "The Lord's Army"
take a look HERE
Papers: The two background papers I used are from DCWV "The Old World stack" and the papers used for the matting behind the pictures,clothes on the soldiers and the word "Hero" on the dogtag is from a Digital kit you can find at Visual Designs by Chris HERE
The Army truck and Solder's Creed are images I found on Google =D
Ribbons: I saved ribbon from a gift that I received from William Sonoma and it went perfect for this layout =D I am always going around collecting ribbons at our parties and holidays for scrapbooking lol!
The Dogtags I actually created the cutting file on Sure Cuts A Lot that you can cut out on your Cricut. I wanted to share this file with as a free gift today so here it is:

Don't miss my free blog candy I am giving away!! Here it is: 


Isn't this some awesome candy?? All you have to do is become a follow of my blog =D

Easy Peasy!! 
Winners will be chosen at the end of the hop by random organizer =D
Now, head on over to Lisa's blog and see what great project she has to share with you today  RIGHT HERE

AGAIN be sure to check back daily for new projects and possible blog candy! : ) Thanks for hopping along with the first Little Scraps of Heaven Designs Blog Hop.


  1. What a wonderful layout!! Love it

  2. GREAT layout!! I like this paper piecing set and you used to in the perfect way. I love it. :)

  3. I love this LO! My son is also in the Army so I really appreciate this!!
    carriedan1 at live dot com

  4. Love this layout TFS.

  5. You did a fantastic job with this layout!! I have been struggling with making an album for my brother and sister in law who both were over in Iraq a few years ago. Once you do so many military pages... it gets tough... at least it is for me. I'm so used to making cutesy/pretty layouts... not manly ones. I love how yours turned out!! I might have to steal your idea for a lo in my brothers album! Thanks for sharing your layouts with us!

  6. what a super idea for a layout, its very cute and touching..
    Thanks for sharing, im enjoying the blog hop! I love getting new ideas.
    Deborah Foti

  7. wow, love this! What a great set of pages to have. ;-)

  8. Love the layout!!

    -Lauren B

  9. Your newest follower! That's me! Your pages are adorable!

  10. Love your layout. My hubby and son are in the army. I will have to use that paper piecing for a army layout.

  11. Janet another wonderful layout. Thank you for honoring those who protect our freedom and keep our country safe.


  12. nice tribute to those who serve our country and are so often over looked.. love it!

  13. i love this layout its a nice memorabila for he who served our country for yrs to come

  14. Love the layout. TFS. Inspires me to do a two page layout that I will frame for my dad who was in the army and army reserve. He has since passed away when I was 10 and know it would make my family proud to see it.

  15. What a nice layout! And you have some awesome blog candy! Hoppin' on.

  16. Love this LO. I'm a new follower. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Love the layout and glad your friend is home safe now. What a nice way to honor those that protect are freedom and our country.

  18. opps forgot to say...I am following your blog! :)

  19. Super cute! And I am following your blog!

  20. Not only is this page great it is very touching to see the Love you have put in to it! Beautiful work of art!

  21. Very nice layout. I love how you used everthing in it and it looks great. It is a great tribute to the Army.

  22. Awesome Layout!!!

  23. Wow! Thats is all I have to say, you have an awesome lo there. The cut couldnt be better!
    TFS Theresa

  24. Adorable layout Janet! You are such a talented person and I'm so glad to be on the DT with you! :-)

  25. Your layouts are amazing. This one really means something to me as our son is in the Navy. TFS and I am a follower. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  26. This is an AWESOME layout!!!Very different from your other ones but every bit as nice. The little soldier boys are really cute but the overall feel of the layout is very thoughtful and very respectful. Very nice to honor those who protect us.

    Anne (Anniebee)

  27. Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Elements post on Feb. 26, 2011. Thanks again.

  28. I also have a son in the US Army, coming home from Iraq in TWO weeks...thank you...for this layout.

  29. I really like your army layout. I think it is great. I have several family members in the Armed Forces.

  30. What a fantatic military layout.

    Katsews at gmail dotcom

  31. Wonderful layout! So thankful for your friend's service! Be sure and thank him for me :)

